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The IMAGINARY project relies on several open licenses. Both the exhibition as a whole, as well as each exhibit, must be credited properly to their authors.

General credits are for IMAGINARY (the word IMAGINARY must appear in the title of the exhibition, capitalized and with its original typography), the Matematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, and the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. Then, each exhibit has its own set of credits. A good way is to put a "Welcome board" or a "Credits board" next to the entrance or the exit of the exhibition, so the credits do not interfere with the visit at each exhibit. If you are editing a printed guide to the exhibition, with descriptions of the exhibits, you should also put the credits in the booklet, in the last page. Finally, you will have your own sponsors and hosts to be credited, and also the organizers, coordinators and collaborators.

A good example is the Seoul exhibition of NIMS-IMAGINARY. These are the Welcome Board, the Booklet of the exhibition and the Leaflet of the exhibition.